Modular transformer substations

The main advantage is mobility – the dimensions of the module make it possible to be transported as general cargo on general roads, fully assembled, tested and ready for operation at the installation site.
PDM EXT is produced in climatic version U1 and location category 1. It is designed to work in the following conditions:
- installation height above sea level – up to 1000 m;
- ambient temperature from -40°C to +40°C;
- relative humidity not more than 80% at a temperature of 20°C.
Design characteristics:
- external dimensions of the object ≈ 7m x 2.5m x 3m (LxWxH) (approximate and depend on the choice of equipment installed inside);
- by default, the module can withstand a wind speed of 90 m/s;
- external painting is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Customer;
For installation it is necessary to provide a continuous foundation along the sides of the case. The foundation may be either from concrete blocks or poured.
Depending on the customer’s requirements, PDM EXT can be equipped with additional monitoring and security systems: fire alarm, access control, video surveillance, etc.

As a switchgear, it is proposed to install company-made switchboards based on the Cubic modular system (Denmark) with Schneider Electric circuit breakers.
The rated current is 5000A or 6300A depending on the power of the transformer.
Коли потрібен безпечний та ефективний розподіл електроенергії, то варто застосовувати модульну систему CUBIC. Модульна система від – одне з найбільш універсальних та безпечних рішень для корпусів розподільчого обладнання на Європейському ринку.
A TMS (H-ART 180 series) dry transformer with a capacity of 3150 kVA or 4000 kVA is proposed for installation inside of the module.
This series of transformers is designed specifically for use in power supply systems of data processing centers and has a number of significant advantages:
- The extended service life of the insulation is more than 4 times higher than that of a standard transformer.
- The most reliable high voltage design on the market.
- No unexpected crash/bug issues.
- Able to operate at full load in conditions of extremely high summer temperatures.
- Capable of operating under sudden overloads without affecting service life or overheating (temperature signals).
BKS busbars have a degree of protection IP68 and can be laid outside buildings. To be laid inside the building, this type of busbar has the possibility of switching to the IP55 degree of protection. The nominal current of busbars has a wide range of values. 6300A, 5000A, 3200A and 2500A can be used for PDM EXT.
Power take-off boxes with automatic switches are installed on the bus lines for the distribution of electricity inside the building.